
Sonnet Fern: Hufflepuff, 5th year Hogwarts student, level 13, supple 12 3/4 inch Willow wand with unicorn hair core, patronus: unknown.

It’s so much fun, really thank you. I fell asleep on the sofa at 4am the first night playing 🤓 Loads of side quests, nicely unfolding main quest. It’s a beautifully designed game, my god. You must see the inside of Hufflepuffs dorms, it’s so cool, and you must give it a try.

That’s an open invitation. It might be too soon to throw that out there, but fuck it; life is short and I miss your company. No pressure, if it’s not right yet to chill like that, I understand. I just wanted you to know that’s a possibility; binge buddy applications are open 🙋‍♀️

That’s an open invitation. It might be too soon to throw that out there, but fuck it; life is short and I miss your company. No pressure, if it’s not right yet to chill like that, I understand.

Anyways, I just wanted you to know this door is open; binge buddy applications open 🙋‍♀️

09/04/2023, 09:32:00
